Rick Grafmeyer

Economic Expert

Rick Grafmeyer is a partner at Capitol Tax Partners, Washington’s largest independent consulting firm specializing in tax legislative and regulatory matters.


He formerly served as the deputy chief of staff for the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) from 1998 through 2000.  During his tenure, JCT published comprehensive studies of corporate tax shelters, the penalty and interest system, and tax-exempt organizations, plus a major three-volume tax simplification project.

Earlier Mr. Grafmeyer was the deputy staff director for the Senate Finance Committee responsible for tax and health care legislation before the Committee and is also widely known as an expert on Senate and House parliamentary procedural rules as well as budget process rules.

Other than his government service, Mr. Grafmeyer has been a partner in Arthur Andersen’s National Office of Federal Tax Services as well as a partner and the National Director for Washington Tax Services for Ernst & Young in their National Tax Office.

Mr. Grafmeyer has a B.A. degree in accounting from Walsh College in Ohio, a J.D. degree from the University of Akron School of Law, and a LL.M. degree from Georgetown University Law Center.


University of Akron

Georgetown University

Walsh College

Notable Positions

Deputy Chief of Staff

Joint Committee on Taxation

Deputy Staff Director

Senate Committee on Finance


University of Akron

Georgetown University

Walsh College

Notable Positions

Deputy Chief of Staff

Joint Committee on Taxation

Deputy Staff Director

Senate Committee on Finance