Press Release

The Biden Administration’s Spring 2024 Unified Agenda of Regulatory Actions

The Biden Administration recently released its Spring 2024 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (UA) detailing the nearly 2,400 rulemakings it plans to put forward within the next year or so. In a new insight, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Goldbeck examines major trends across agencies and discusses what this shows about the scope of the administrative state and the Biden Administration’s priorities.

Key points:

    • While the total amount of planned actions is relatively low compared to the past few years, this is likely a function of the administration having completed over the past few months many of the priorities it had slated for its first term.
    • The Department of Treasury appears to be the busiest agency in coming months, likely due to a series of statutorily driven tax credit rulemakings.
    • A deeper analysis of the UA’s data reveals that agencies writ large continue to be mindful of the timing of their rulemakings in the face of the coming election and potential Congressional Review Act implications next year.

Read the analysis
